&hint1=I am a hanging scroll& &hint2=I communicate social roles and the polished decorum of palace life& &hint3=I was crafted by an anonymous artist& &hint4=I show a figure who has overstepped his authority& &choices=The Nymph of the River Luo;Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk;Breaking the Balustrade;Chinese Paintings: Album leafs, Hanging Scrolls, Handscrolls;The Three Friends of the Cold Season;Bamboo& &answer=Breaking the Balustrade& &search=Song Dynasty scroll& &title=Breaking the Balustrade& &artist=Anonymous& &medium=Hanging scroll, ink, and colors on silk& &date=12th century& &location=National Palace Museum, Taipei& &dimensions=5'8 1/2" x 3'4 1/8"&